Greetings and Maery Meet!

Thank you for visiting the home page of the society Ddraigvyn - a society for people who love dragons. Here we have information about dragons, dragon magick, dragon art, whatever you can think of!

Who are we?
members directory
members poetry
directory to dragon magick
meet the staffers
our banner exchange
our webring

Click here to join us!

art gallery

You can send email e-mail to the society at, or to our founders!
Lady Draek
Lady Draek

our founder
Sylvania Dragistur
Sylvania Dragistur

our co-founder.

Link to the society! Follow this link...

Visit our founding page!
Lady Draek's Home Page.

Many thanks to Draeconin's Designs for designing our background and buttons.

Chat Now

If you have mIRC, we're on the Undernet! Check out our room - #societyDdraigvyn.
If you don't, get it!!!
(That thing should work....)

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people have disturbed our friend here.

This page best listened with Crescendo!

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Esotericism Banner Exchange : The banner exchange program aimed at targeting people really interested in ESOTERIC matters and bring them to your website.
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Member of the society Ddraigvyn banner exchange

society Ddraigvyn banner exchange how will you ever know unless you click?
Member of the society Ddraigvyn banner exchange

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