society Ddraigvyn banner exchange how will you ever know unless you click?
Member of the society Ddraigvyn banner exchange

here is the code for the 468x60 exchange:

<!--BEGIN SOCIETY BANNER STUFF-468x60--> <center> >table border=0><tr><td><a href=""><img border="1" src="" WIDTH=61 HEIGHT=61 ALT="society Ddraigvyn banner exchange"></a> <A HREF="" TARGET="_top"> <IMG SRC="" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 ALT="society Ddraigvyn: how will you ever know unless you click?"></A> <tr><td align=center><font size="-1"><a href="">Member of the society Ddraigvyn banner exchange</a></font></td></tr></table> <!--END SOCIETY BANNER STUFF-468x60-->

society Ddraigvyn banner exchange society Ddraigvyn: how will you ever know unless you click?
Member of the society Ddraigvyn banner exchange

here is the code for the 460x60 exchange:

<!--BEGIN SOCIETY BANNER STUFF-460x60--> <table border=0><tr><td><a href=""><img border="1" src="" WIDTH=61 HEIGHT=61 ALT="society Ddraigvyn banner exchange"></a> <A HREF="" TARGET="_top"> <IMG SRC="" WIDTH=460 HEIGHT=60 ALT="society Ddraigvyn: how will you ever know unless you click?"></A> <tr><td align=center><font size="-1"><a href="">Member of the society Ddraigvyn banner exchange</a></font></td></tr></table> <!--END SOCIETY BANNER STUFF-460x60-->

society Ddraigvyn banner exchange society Ddraigvyn: how will you ever know unless you click?
Member of the society Ddraigvyn banner exchange